
Not a TOW - LCD message via RF transmitter on Arduino

NOTE This is a Word Press Archive Post: Some of my posts from my original blog on WordPress have not been completely vetted for errors on this site. I am actively working, albeit slowly, on verifying these posts. Some may contain either missing images or broken links. Please bear with me while this transition is taking place.

Thought I’d hijack my own DL to show you something fun…. (and send to LI office)

I did a little project with my Arduino Duemilanove

I made an intranet site to send text to a 20x4 LCD screen sitting on the edge of my cube.
Messages are formatted to fit a 20 column by 4 row screen. Each send will clear the screen and set the new text on the screen.
The message is routed through this website, to a RF 2.4gz transmitter, wirelessly to a similar transmitter sitting on the Arduino Duemilanove that I programmed to handle reading the serial data, formatting it, and sending it on to the screen.

Beware: The site also tracks the username of the person sending the message… because already dirty messages have been sent. J

Note: the site if VERY basic, and has not had a lot of testing done.

Future plans

I plan on wiring up the LCD a bit more permanently, and making a nice enclosure for the whole package.  Then I want to place it in the Long Island break room near the coffee machine.  This will allow anyone to send messages to the break room for fun-zees.

The site

clip_image001Here’s a shot of the website, complete with picture of the cube wall

clip_image003Here’s a shot of the Arduino wired to the transmitter and LCD

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.